Časový limit vašej relácie čoskoro vyprší v dôsledku neaktivity. Kliknutím na tlačidlo OK predĺžite časový limit o ďalších 120 minút.
- Domov
- Bezpečnosť a zdravie
- Bezpečnosť práce a pracovné odevy
- Ochranné a pracovné odevy
- Oblečenie do dažďa
Oblečenie do dažďa
Zobrazené produkty ( 1-27 z 206 )
[ { "catentry_id" : "11885429", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_L":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"94.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885430", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_M":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"94.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885431", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_S":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"94.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885432", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"94.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885433", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"94.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885434", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"94.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503375.jpg" } ]
- Ideálna pre moderné podnikové použitie moderný športový strih. Bunda je úplne vodotesná odolná proti vetru a priedušnosti. Duálna-tkanina vonkajšku Oxford má zosilnené panely pre zvýšenú odolnosť. Odolné vodeodolné zipsy nízka povrchová úpravu profilu. Vnútorná bunda poskytuje izoláciu v chladnejších podmienkach alebo môže byť odzipsovaná k noseniu ako samostatný odev. Maximálna kvalita štýl a funkcie dohromady.
- Sťahovanie nastaviteľný lem
- Flisom lemovaný golier
- Nový štýl
- Vhodné na potlač
- Protidžďová chlopňa vpredu
- Nastaviteľné manžety na suchý zips
- Vrecká so zipsom
- Kapucňa so zaťahovacími šnúrkami
- Vode odolný zips
- Nastaviteľný pás so šnúrkou
- Interaktívny flis
- Predné otváranie zipsu
- Oderu vzdorný Oxford polyester
- 6 vreciek
- Podšité
- 3 v 1 vodeodolná priedušná a vetru odolná bunda s lepenými švami
- Skryté vrecko na mobilný telefón
- Zbaliteľná kapucňa
- Ideálne pre firemné nosenie a zákazkové úpravy
- Texpel Splash
94,90 € bez DPH
113,88 € vrátane. DPH
kus Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii
[ { "catentry_id" : "11885547", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_L":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"34.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6505005.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6505005.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6505005.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885548", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_M":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"34.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6505005.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6505005.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6505005.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885549", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_S":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"34.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6505005.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6505005.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6505005.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885550", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"34.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6505005.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6505005.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6505005.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885551", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"34.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6505005.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6505005.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6505005.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885552", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"34.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6505005.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6505005.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6505005.jpg" } ]
- Print & Promo Softshell (2L) je vynikajúcou voľbou pre firemné nosenie pretože je ideálny pre tlač a výšivku. Tento tkaný strečový dvojvrstvový softshell je fleece podložený pre dodatočné teplo a pohodlie zatiaľ čo mechanický stretch umožňuje ľahký pohyb. Obsahuje dve spodné vonkajšie predné vrecká na zips dve vnútorné vrecká a vnútorný zips.
- 2 vrstvy
- 2 vrecká
- Priedušné nepremokavé a odolné proti vode
- Micro polar fleece podšívka spojená s vetrovkou
- Ideálne pre firemné nosenie a zákazkové úpravy
- Texpel Splash
34,90 € bez DPH
41,88 € vrátane. DPH
kus Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii
[ { "catentry_id" : "11885099", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_4XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"4XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"21.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503323.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503323.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503323.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885100", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_L":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"21.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503323.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503323.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503323.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885101", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_M":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"21.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503323.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503323.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503323.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885102", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_S":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"21.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503323.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503323.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503323.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885103", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"21.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503323.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503323.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503323.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885104", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"21.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503323.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503323.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503323.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885105", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"21.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503323.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503323.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503323.jpg" } ]
- Predĺžený plášť do dažďa. Vrecká skrytá kapucňa so šnúrkami a ventiláciou.
- Očká a zadný otvor pre vetranie
- Lepené švy
- Vnútorná elastická manžeta
- Predné otváranie zipsu
- 2 vrecká
- Ľahká nepremokavá tkanina s lepenými švami
- Zbaliteľná kapucňa
- Texpel Splash
- Európsky zips
21,90 € bez DPH
26,28 € vrátane. DPH
kus Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii
[ { "catentry_id" : "11882475", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_L":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"122.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502917.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502917.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502917.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882476", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_M":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"122.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502917.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502917.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502917.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882477", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_S":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"122.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502917.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502917.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502917.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882478", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"122.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502917.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502917.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502917.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882479", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"122.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502917.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502917.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502917.jpg" } ]
- Zimná vode odolná kombinéza. Moderný dizajn je doplnený veľmi kvalitným povrchom. Medzi kľúčové funkcie patria: reflexné pásiky pre zvýšenie viditeľnosti zosilnené kolená mnoho vreciek pre odkladanie a zips na členkoch.
- CE certifikované
- Skryté zapínanie na zips a gombičky
- Kontrastné panely
- Dvojvrstvová ochrana kolien
- Plne elastický pás
- Vnútorná vrúbkovaná manžeta
- Vrecko na telefón
- Pútko na vysielačku
- Reflexná páska
- Lepené švy
- Nastaviteľné manžety na suchý zips
- Zips na členkoch
- Prikrývka podšívkou pre izoláciu
- Oderu vzdorný Oxford polyester
- Predný D-krúžok
- 5 vreciek
- Dvojcestný zips
- Zbaliteľná kapucňa
- Texpel Splash
122,90 € bez DPH
147,48 € vrátane. DPH
kus Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii
[ { "catentry_id" : "11882485", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_L":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"122.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502919.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502919.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502919.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882486", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_M":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"122.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502919.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502919.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502919.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882487", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_S":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"122.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502919.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502919.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502919.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882488", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"122.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502919.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502919.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502919.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882489", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"122.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502919.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502919.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502919.jpg" } ]
- Zimná vode odolná kombinéza. Moderný dizajn je doplnený veľmi kvalitným povrchom. Medzi kľúčové funkcie patria: reflexné pásiky pre zvýšenie viditeľnosti zosilnené kolená mnoho vreciek pre odkladanie a zips na členkoch.
- CE certifikované
- Skryté zapínanie na zips a gombičky
- Kontrastné panely
- Dvojvrstvová ochrana kolien
- Plne elastický pás
- Vnútorná vrúbkovaná manžeta
- Vrecko na telefón
- Pútko na vysielačku
- Reflexná páska
- Lepené švy
- Nastaviteľné manžety na suchý zips
- Zips na členkoch
- Prikrývka podšívkou pre izoláciu
- Oderu vzdorný Oxford polyester
- Predný D-krúžok
- 5 vreciek
- Dvojcestný zips
- Zbaliteľná kapucňa
- Texpel Splash
122,90 € bez DPH
147,48 € vrátane. DPH
kus Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii
[ { "catentry_id" : "11882480", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_L":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"122.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502918.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502918.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502918.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882481", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_M":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"122.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502918.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502918.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502918.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882482", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_S":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"122.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502918.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502918.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502918.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882483", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"122.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502918.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502918.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502918.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882484", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"122.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502918.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502918.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502918.jpg" } ]
- Zimná vode odolná kombinéza. Moderný dizajn je doplnený veľmi kvalitným povrchom. Medzi kľúčové funkcie patria: reflexné pásiky pre zvýšenie viditeľnosti zosilnené kolená mnoho vreciek pre odkladanie a zips na členkoch.
- CE certifikované
- Skryté zapínanie na zips a gombičky
- Kontrastné panely
- Dvojvrstvová ochrana kolien
- Plne elastický pás
- Vnútorná vrúbkovaná manžeta
- Vrecko na telefón
- Pútko na vysielačku
- Reflexná páska
- Lepené švy
- Nastaviteľné manžety na suchý zips
- Zips na členkoch
- Prikrývka podšívkou pre izoláciu
- Oderu vzdorný Oxford polyester
- Predný D-krúžok
- 5 vreciek
- Dvojcestný zips
- Zbaliteľná kapucňa
- Texpel Splash
122,90 € bez DPH
147,48 € vrátane. DPH
kus Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii
[ { "catentry_id" : "11882490", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_L":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"122.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502920.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502920.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502920.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882491", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_M":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"122.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502920.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502920.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502920.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882492", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_S":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"122.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502920.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502920.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502920.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882493", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"122.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502920.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502920.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502920.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882494", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"122.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502920.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502920.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502920.jpg" } ]
- Zimná vode odolná kombinéza. Moderný dizajn je doplnený veľmi kvalitným povrchom. Medzi kľúčové funkcie patria: reflexné pásiky pre zvýšenie viditeľnosti zosilnené kolená mnoho vreciek pre odkladanie a zips na členkoch.
- CE certifikované
- Skryté zapínanie na zips a gombičky
- Kontrastné panely
- Dvojvrstvová ochrana kolien
- Plne elastický pás
- Vnútorná vrúbkovaná manžeta
- Vrecko na telefón
- Pútko na vysielačku
- Reflexná páska
- Lepené švy
- Nastaviteľné manžety na suchý zips
- Zips na členkoch
- Prikrývka podšívkou pre izoláciu
- Oderu vzdorný Oxford polyester
- Predný D-krúžok
- 5 vreciek
- Dvojcestný zips
- Zbaliteľná kapucňa
- Texpel Splash
122,90 € bez DPH
147,48 € vrátane. DPH
kus Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii
[ { "catentry_id" : "11885007", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_4XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"4XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"138.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503306.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503306.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503306.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885008", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_L":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"138.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503306.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503306.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503306.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885009", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_M":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"138.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503306.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503306.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503306.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885010", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_S":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"138.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503306.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503306.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503306.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885011", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"138.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503306.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503306.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503306.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885012", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"138.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503306.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503306.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503306.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885013", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"138.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503306.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503306.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503306.jpg" } ]
- PW3 Extrémne priedušná bunda do dažďa je vysoko vode odolná a priedušná bunda. Táto bunda je vyrobená z odolnej tkaniny 300D ktorá je odolná voči poškriabaniu a je odolná voči škvrnám. Je vybavená mnohými vynikajúcimi funkciami ako je odnímateľná ergonomicky tvarovaná kapucňa viacnásobné vrecká na bezpečné uskladnenie technológia zipsu Ezee a zipsami v podpazuší pre lepšiu priedušnosť. Jej moderný dizajn a športový strih kombinuje štýl s výkonom.
- CE certifikované
- Skryté vrecko na telefón
- Odnímateľná kapucňa
- Držiak na preukaz
- Nový štýl
- Vhodné na potlač
- Pútka na vysielačku
- Dvakrát prešívané švy
- Nastaviteľné manžety na suchý zips
- Reflexné zastrihnutie
- 5 vreciek
- Vnútorné vrecká
- Nepremokavá a priedušná s lepenými švami
- Hi VisTex Pro reflexná páska
- Pletená manžeta s otvorom na palec
- Odnímateľná kapucňa
- Ezee Zips
- Zapísaný dizajn Spoločenstva
- Zipsy v podpazuší
138,90 € bez DPH
166,68 € vrátane. DPH
kus Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii
[ { "catentry_id" : "11885133", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_L":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"15.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503328.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503328.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503328.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885134", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_M":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"15.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503328.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503328.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503328.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885135", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_S":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"15.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503328.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503328.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503328.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885136", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"15.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503328.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503328.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503328.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885137", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"15.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503328.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503328.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503328.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885138", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"15.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503328.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503328.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503328.jpg" } ]
- Praktická a odolná vetrovka do dažďa. Výnimočný pomer kvality a ceny. Ľahko skladovateľná. Široká ponuka farieb.
- Očká a zadný otvor pre vetranie
- Lepené švy
- UPF 50+
- Maloobchodné balenie
- 2 vrecká
- Veľkorysý na nosenie
- Zbaliteľná kapucňa
- Vodeodolný odev
- Texpel Splash
15,90 € bez DPH
19,08 € vrátane. DPH
kus Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii
[ { "catentry_id" : "11882440", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_L":"8" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"242.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502911.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502911.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502911.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882441", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_M":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"242.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502911.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502911.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502911.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882442", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_S":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"242.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502911.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502911.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502911.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882443", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"242.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502911.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502911.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502911.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882444", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"242.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502911.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502911.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502911.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882445", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXXL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"242.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502911.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502911.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502911.jpg" } ]
- Kombinéza ideálna ochrana proti chladu bez obmedzenia pohybu. Reflexné pruhy pre zvýšenú viditeľnosť a bezpečnosť. Zväčšené vrecká sú vhodné pre uchovávanie vecí. Zosilnená kolenná časť pre väčšiu pevnosť a odolnosť. Zapínanie na zips a suchý zips. Náprsné vrecko. Vrecko na menovku. Elastická zadná časť.
- Zadnný elastický pás
- Priedušný odev
- CE certifikované
- Skryté predné otváranie na háčik a krúžok
- Flisom lemovaný golier
- Držiak na preukaz
- Vrecká na chrániče kolien
- Vrecko na telefón
- Pútko na vysielačku
- Reflexná páska
- Zips na členkoch
- Prikrývka podšívkou pre izoláciu
- Oderu vzdorný Oxford polyester
- Pletené manžety
- 6 vreciek
- Dvojcestný zips
- Zbaliteľná kapucňa
- Texpel Splash
242,90 € bez DPH
291,48 € vrátane. DPH
kus Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii
[ { "catentry_id" : "11882470", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_L":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"91.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502916.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502916.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502916.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882471", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_M":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"91.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502916.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502916.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502916.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882472", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"91.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502916.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502916.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502916.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882473", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"91.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502916.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502916.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502916.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882474", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXXL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"91.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502916.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502916.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502916.jpg" } ]
- Kompletná nepremokavá ochrana za vynikajúcu cenu. Tento odev môže byť nosený na pracovnom oblečení alebo na spodnom prádle. Jednoduchá manipulácia. Zapínanie na zips postranné vrecká sťahovacia kapucňa.
- Zadnný elastický pás
- Skryté zapínanie na zips a gombičky
- Bočné vrecká
- Gombíkmi nastaviteľné manžety
- Gombíkmi nastaviteľné lemy
- Zvarené vodotesné švy
- Vnútorná elastická manžeta
- Dvojitá klapka
- Maloobchodné balenie
- Dvojcestný zips
- Trvanlivý a elastický
- Zbaliteľná kapucňa
- Texpel Splash
91,90 € bez DPH
110,28 € vrátane. DPH
kus Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii
[ { "catentry_id" : "11885423", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_L":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"94.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503374.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503374.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503374.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885424", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_M":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"94.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503374.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503374.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503374.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885425", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_S":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"94.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503374.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503374.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503374.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885426", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"94.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503374.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503374.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503374.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885427", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"94.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503374.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503374.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503374.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885428", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXXL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"94.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503374.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503374.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503374.jpg" } ]
- Ideálna pre moderné podnikové použitie moderný športový strih. Bunda je úplne vodotesná odolná proti vetru a priedušnosti. Duálna-tkanina vonkajšku Oxford má zosilnené panely pre zvýšenú odolnosť. Odolné vodeodolné zipsy nízka povrchová úpravu profilu. Vnútorná bunda poskytuje izoláciu v chladnejších podmienkach alebo môže byť odzipsovaná k noseniu ako samostatný odev. Maximálna kvalita štýl a funkcie dohromady.
- Sťahovanie nastaviteľný lem
- Flisom lemovaný golier
- Nový štýl
- Vhodné na potlač
- Protidžďová chlopňa vpredu
- Nastaviteľné manžety na suchý zips
- Vrecká so zipsom
- Kapucňa so zaťahovacími šnúrkami
- Vode odolný zips
- Nastaviteľný pás so šnúrkou
- Interaktívny flis
- Predné otváranie zipsu
- Oderu vzdorný Oxford polyester
- 6 vreciek
- Podšité
- 3 v 1 vodeodolná priedušná a vetru odolná bunda s lepenými švami
- Skryté vrecko na mobilný telefón
- Zbaliteľná kapucňa
- Ideálne pre firemné nosenie a zákazkové úpravy
- Texpel Splash
94,90 € bez DPH
113,88 € vrátane. DPH
kus Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii
[ { "catentry_id" : "11884800", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_4XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"4XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"144.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503273.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503273.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503273.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11884801", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_5XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"5XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"144.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503273.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503273.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503273.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11884802", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_6XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"6XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"144.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503273.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503273.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503273.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11884803", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_L":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"144.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503273.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503273.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503273.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11884804", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_M":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"144.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503273.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503273.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503273.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11884805", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_S":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"144.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503273.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503273.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503273.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11884806", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"144.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503273.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503273.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503273.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11884807", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"144.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503273.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503273.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503273.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11884808", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"144.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503273.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503273.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503273.jpg" } ]
- CS10 3/4 dĺžka ponúka bezkonkurenčnú ochranu užívateľa. Pevný dvojcestný zips umožňuje dobrú flexibilitu extra predĺžené manžety s otvorom na palec udržujú príjemné teplo. Vetrovka má naviac reflexné pruhy pre zvýšenú viditeľnosť náprsné vrecko a vrecko na menovku.
- Priedušný odev
- CE certifikované
- Skryté predné otváranie na háčik a krúžok
- Flisom lemovaný golier
- Držiak na preukaz
- Vrecko na telefón
- Pútko na vysielačku
- Reflexná páska
- Nastaviteľný pás so šnúrkou
- Prikrývka podšívkou pre izoláciu
- Oderu vzdorný Oxford polyester
- Pletené manžety
- 6 vreciek
- Dvojcestný zips
- Zbaliteľná kapucňa
- Texpel Splash
- Európsky zips
144,90 € bez DPH
173,88 € vrátane. DPH
kus Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii
[ { "catentry_id" : "11885086", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_4XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"4XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"89.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503321.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503321.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503321.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885087", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_L":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"89.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503321.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503321.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503321.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885088", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_M":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"89.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503321.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503321.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503321.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885089", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_S":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"89.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503321.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503321.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503321.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885090", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"89.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503321.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503321.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503321.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885091", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"89.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503321.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503321.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503321.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885092", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"89.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503321.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503321.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503321.jpg" } ]
- Univerzálna a pohodlná ochrana proti všetkým poveternostným vplyvom. Odnímateľná kožušinová podšívka a golier v kombinácii s odzipsovateľnými rukávmi. To je skvele prispôsobivý odev. Početné vonkajšie zipsy a vnútorné vrecká dodajú vynikajúcu osobnú bezpečnosť zatiaľ čo pridané reflexné pásiky poskytujú zvýšenú viditeľnosť v zhoršených svetelných podmienkach.
- Stredové otváranie na gombičky
- Krytka na bradu
- Odnímateľná kapucňa
- Odnímateľná podšívka
- Vrecko na telefón
- Pútko na vysielačku
- Reflexná páska
- Lepené švy
- 4XL
- Odzipsovateľné rukávy
- Oderu vzdorný Oxford polyester
- Predný D-krúžok
- 8 vreciek
- Dvojcestný zips
- Multifunkčné vrecká
- 3 v 1 bunda
- Zipsovaná textúra goliera
- Pletené manžety a lem
- Texpel Splash
89,90 € bez DPH
107,88 € vrátane. DPH
kus Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii
[ { "catentry_id" : "11885417", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_L":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"168.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503373.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503373.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503373.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885418", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_M":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"168.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503373.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503373.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503373.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885419", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_S":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"168.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503373.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503373.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503373.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885420", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"168.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503373.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503373.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503373.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885421", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"168.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503373.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503373.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503373.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885422", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"168.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503373.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503373.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503373.jpg" } ]
- Ultrasonic vyhrievaná bunda ponúka to najlepšie v izolačných riešeniach. Vyhrievané panely z uhlíkových vlákien sú vložené do tejto polstrovanej bundy aby nositeľovi poskytli extra teplo a pohodlie. Použitie inovatívnej tepelne utesnenej tkaniny zvyšuje jej odolnosť voči vode. S547 má tiež tri nastavenia teploty ovládané tlačidlom na hrudi a obsahuje nabíjateľnú batériu ktorá ponúka 3-10 hodín tepla.
- Sťahovanie nastaviteľný lem
- Elastické manžety
- Vrecká so zipsom
- Predné otváranie zipsu
- Vode odolné
- 3 vrecká
- Plne zateplené a polstrované
- Izolovaný s Insulatex podšívkou
- Skryté vrecko na mobilný telefón
- Jednoduché uchopenie sťahovákov
- Chránič brady s vnútornou klapkou
168,90 € bez DPH
202,68 € vrátane. DPH
kus Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii
[ { "catentry_id" : "11885124", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_4XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"4XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"14.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503327.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503327.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503327.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885125", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_5XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"5XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"14.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503327.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503327.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503327.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885126", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_L":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"14.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503327.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503327.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503327.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885127", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_M":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"14.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503327.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503327.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503327.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885128", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_S":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"14.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503327.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503327.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503327.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885129", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"14.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503327.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503327.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503327.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885130", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XS":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XS" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"14.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503327.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503327.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503327.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885131", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"14.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503327.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503327.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503327.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885132", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"14.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503327.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503327.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503327.jpg" } ]
- Praktická a odolná vetrovka do dažďa. Výnimočný pomer kvality a ceny. Ľahko skladovateľná. Široká ponuka farieb.
- Očká a zadný otvor pre vetranie
- Lepené švy
- UPF 50+
- Maloobchodné balenie
- 2 vrecká
- Veľkorysý na nosenie
- Zbaliteľná kapucňa
- Vodeodolný odev
- Texpel Splash
14,90 € bez DPH
17,88 € vrátane. DPH
kus Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii
[ { "catentry_id" : "11885511", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_L":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"81.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503391.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503391.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503391.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885512", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_M":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"81.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503391.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503391.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503391.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885513", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_S":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"81.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503391.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503391.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503391.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885514", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"81.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503391.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503391.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503391.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885515", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"81.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503391.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503391.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503391.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885516", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"81.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503391.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503391.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503391.jpg" } ]
- Bunda vám umožní ľahko prejsť z práce do voľného času a vyzerať čo najlepšie. Mnohé funkcie ktoré sledujú najlepšie trendy ako sú vetranie zipsov zakrivenie a šikmé línie. Kĺbové rukávy a tenké línie dodávajú skvelý strih.
- Sťahovanie nastaviteľný lem
- Vnútorné náprsné vrecko
- Nový štýl
- Vhodné na potlač
- Nastaviteľné manžety na suchý zips
- Vrecká so zipsom
- Kapucňa so zaťahovacími šnúrkami
- 4 vrecká
- Nepremokavá a priedušná s lepenými švami
- Vodeodolný odev
- Sieťované panely v podpaží
- Zakrivený zadný lem
- Aktívne nosenie
- Texpel Splash
- Otvory na zips v podpazuší
- Súčasný dizajn s čistými líniami
- Vrecko na zips na hrudi
- Vopred zahnuté rukávy
- Jednoduché uchopenie sťahovákov
- Chránič brady s vnútornou klapkou
- Pripojená kapucňa je štýlová a praktická
81,90 € bez DPH
98,28 € vrátane. DPH
kus Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii
[ { "catentry_id" : "11882464", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_L":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"80.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502915.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502915.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502915.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882465", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_M":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"80.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502915.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502915.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502915.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882466", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_S":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"80.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502915.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502915.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502915.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882467", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"80.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502915.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502915.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502915.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882468", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"80.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502915.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502915.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502915.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11882469", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXXL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"80.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502915.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502915.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6502915.jpg" } ]
- Kompletná nepremokavá ochrana za vynikajúcu cenu. Tento odev môže byť nosený na pracovnom oblečení alebo na spodnom prádle. Jednoduchá manipulácia. Zapínanie na zips postranné vrecká sťahovacia kapucňa.
- Zadnný elastický pás
- Skryté zapínanie na zips a gombičky
- Bočné vrecká
- Gombíkmi nastaviteľné manžety
- Gombíkmi nastaviteľné lemy
- Zvarené vodotesné švy
- Vnútorná elastická manžeta
- Dvojitá klapka
- Maloobchodné balenie
- Dvojcestný zips
- Trvanlivý a elastický
- Zbaliteľná kapucňa
- Texpel Splash
80,90 € bez DPH
97,08 € vrátane. DPH
kus Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii
[ { "catentry_id" : "11885435", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_4XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"4XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"65.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503376.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503376.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503376.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885436", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_5XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"5XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"65.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503376.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503376.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503376.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885437", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_L":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"65.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503376.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503376.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503376.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885438", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_M":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"65.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503376.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503376.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503376.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885439", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_S":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"65.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503376.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503376.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503376.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885440", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"65.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503376.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503376.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503376.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885441", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"65.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503376.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503376.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503376.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885442", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"65.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503376.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503376.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503376.jpg" } ]
- Táto vysoko výkonná bunda ponúka maximálnu nepremokavú vetruodolnú a priedušnú ochranu pre celoročné využitie. Použitie vysoko odolnej vonkajšej textílie s priepustnou podšívkou zo sieťoviny táto bunda zaisťuje celkový komfort pri zlých podmienkach. Špecifické funkcie ako napríklad vodeodolné zipsy ergonomický strih upravená kapucňa & s viac vreckami poskytujú vynikajúcu funkciu. Športový strih a nízka konštrukcia zaistí že bunda je voľbou pre náročné podmienky.
- Nový štýl
- Vhodné na potlač
- Protidžďová chlopňa vpredu
- Nastaviteľné manžety na suchý zips
- Vrecká so zipsom
- Kapucňa so zaťahovacími šnúrkami
- Vode odolný zips
- Odolné proti vetru
- Predné otváranie zipsu
- Oderu vzdorný Oxford polyester
- Podšité
- 4 vrecká
- Nepremokavá a priedušná s lepenými švami
- Skryté vrecko na mobilný telefón
- Zbaliteľná kapucňa
- Ideálne pre firemné nosenie a zákazkové úpravy
- Texpel Splash
- Európsky zips
65,90 € bez DPH
79,08 € vrátane. DPH
kus Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii
[ { "catentry_id" : "21153101", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_L":"8" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"76.60" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2366794.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2366794.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2366794.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "21153102", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XL":"8" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"76.60" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2358469.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2358469.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG2358469.jpg" } ]
Na záhradnícke, cestné, stavebné a poľnohospodárske práce.
- Veľmi ľahký vodeodolný oblek. Mimoriadne pohodlný. Bunda s kapucňou v golieri. Sťahovacia šnúrka v páse. Nohavice s rázporkom a zapínaním na patentky.
- Elastický pás so sťahovacou šnúrkou. Nastavenie dolnej časti nohavíc pomocou cvokov.
76,60 € bez DPH
91,92 € vrátane. DPH
kus Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii
[ { "catentry_id" : "11885296", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_L":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"94.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503353.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503353.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503353.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885297", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_M":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"94.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503353.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503353.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503353.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885298", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_S":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"94.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503353.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503353.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503353.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885299", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"94.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503353.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503353.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503353.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885300", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"94.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503353.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503353.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503353.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885301", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXXL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"94.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503353.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503353.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503353.jpg" } ]
- Štýlová priedušná vetrovka 3 v 1. Vodeodolný priedušný nylon chráni užívateľa pred dažďom vetrom a chladom. Odnímateľná flisová bunda 280g je vhodná aj na samostatné nosenie.
- Priedušný odev
- Krytka na bradu
- Kontrastné panely
- Kapucňa so sťahovacou šnúrkou a lemom
- Interaktívny odev
- Vrecko na telefón
- Vhodné na potlač
- Lepené švy
- Nastaviteľné manžety na suchý zips
- Vrecká so zipsom
- 4XL
- Interaktívny flis
- Dvojitá klapka
- 7 vreciek
- Dvojcestný zips
- Multifunkčné vrecká
- Chladiaca sieťovina na hornú časť trupu
- 3 v 1 nepremokavá a nepriedušná vetrovka
- Zbaliteľná kapucňa
- Texpel Splash
94,90 € bez DPH
113,88 € vrátane. DPH
kus Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii
[ { "catentry_id" : "11885073", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_L":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"60.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503319.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503319.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503319.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885074", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_M":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"60.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503319.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503319.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503319.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885075", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_S":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"60.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503319.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503319.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503319.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885076", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"60.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503319.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503319.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503319.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885077", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"60.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503319.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503319.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503319.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885078", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"60.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503319.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503319.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503319.jpg" } ]
- Vodeodolná vetrovka poskytujúca výbornú viditeľnosť a drží užívateľa v suchu a teple. Flisový límec pletené manžety vrecko na menovku. Štýlový design skrytá kapucňa lepené švy a prístup pre potlač loga.
- CE certifikované
- Stredové otváranie na gombičky
- Flisom lemovaný golier
- Držiak na preukaz môže byť viditeľný alebo zakrytý
- Vnútorná vrúbkovaná manžeta
- Vrecko na telefón
- Vhodné na potlač
- Pútko na vysielačku
- Reflexná páska
- Gombíkmi nastaviteľné manžety
- Lepené švy
- Prikrývka podšívkou pre izoláciu
- Oderu vzdorný Oxford polyester
- Elastický lem
- Predný D-krúžok
- 7 vreciek
- Dvojcestný zips
- Veľkorysý na nosenie
- Zbaliteľná kapucňa
- Vodotesné podlepené švy
- Texpel Splash
60,90 € bez DPH
73,08 € vrátane. DPH
kus Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii
[ { "catentry_id" : "11885186", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_L":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"68.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503336.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503336.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503336.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885187", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_M":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"68.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503336.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503336.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503336.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885188", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_S":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"68.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503336.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503336.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503336.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885189", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"68.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503336.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503336.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503336.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885190", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"68.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503336.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503336.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503336.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885191", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"68.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503336.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503336.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503336.jpg" } ]
- Štýlová vetrovka s výnimočnou odolnosťou proti vode. Zvarované švy veľký úložný priestor pre osobné veci a náradie prekrytý zips s upínaním na cvočky.
- Skryté zapínanie na zips a gombičky
- Očká a zadný otvor pre vetranie
- Gombíkmi nastaviteľné manžety
- UPF 50+
- Zvarené vodotesné švy
- 2 vrecká
- Veľkorysý na nosenie
- Zbaliteľná kapucňa
- Vodeodolný odev
68,90 € bez DPH
82,68 € vrátane. DPH
kus Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii
[ { "catentry_id" : "11885212", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_L":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"56.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503340.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503340.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503340.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885213", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_M":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"56.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503340.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503340.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503340.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885214", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_S":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"56.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503340.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503340.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503340.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885215", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"56.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503340.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503340.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503340.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885216", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"56.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503340.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503340.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503340.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885217", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"56.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503340.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503340.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503340.jpg" } ]
- Použitá vodotesná rip-stop textília táto bunda je štýlový doplnok radu TK2. S podšívkou a polstrovaným rukávmi poskytuje pohodlie a teplo rovnako ako ochranu. Medzi kľúčové funkcie patrí zbaliteľná kapucňa vrecká na zips manžety na suchý zips a prístup k tlači pre personalizáciu. Poskytuje skvelú ochranu pred vetrom a dažďom.
- Priedušný odev
- Kapucňa so sťahovacou šnúrkou a lemom
- Vhodné na potlač
- Protidžďová chlopňa vpredu
- Nastaviteľné manžety na suchý zips
- Flis podšívka
- 4 vrecká
- Plne zateplené a polstrované
- Nepremokavé s lepenými švami
- Skryté vrecko na mobilný telefón
- Zbaliteľná kapucňa
- Texpel Splash
56,90 € bez DPH
68,28 € vrátane. DPH
kus Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii
[ { "catentry_id" : "11885056", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_L":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"60.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503316.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503316.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503316.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885057", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_M":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"60.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503316.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503316.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503316.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885058", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_S":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"60.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503316.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503316.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503316.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885059", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"60.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503316.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503316.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503316.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885060", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XS":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XS" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"60.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503316.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503316.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503316.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885061", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"60.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503316.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503316.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503316.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885062", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXXL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"60.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503316.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503316.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503316.jpg" } ]
- Vetrovka s reflexnými pásmi pre vyššiu viditeľnosč. Dve veľké ľahko prístupné vrecká. Externé vrecko na mobil. Spodný sťahovateľný lem.
- CE certifikované
- Kapucňa so sťahovacou šnúrkou a lemom
- Flisom lemovaný golier
- Pútko na vysielačku
- Reflexná páska
- Protidžďová chlopňa vpredu
- UPF 50+
- Prikrývka podšívkou pre izoláciu
- Oderu vzdorný Oxford polyester
- 6 vreciek
- Dvojcestný zips
- Nepremokavé s lepenými švami
- Veľkorysý na nosenie
- Skryté vrecko na mobilný telefón
- Zbaliteľná kapucňa
- Vodeodolný odev
- Texpel Splash
60,90 € bez DPH
73,08 € vrátane. DPH
kus Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii
[ { "catentry_id" : "11885218", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_L":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"56.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503341.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503341.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503341.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885219", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_M":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"56.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503341.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503341.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503341.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885220", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_S":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"S" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"56.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503341.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503341.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503341.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885221", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"56.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503341.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503341.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503341.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885222", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"56.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503341.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503341.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503341.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "11885223", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXXL":"6" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"56.90" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503341.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503341.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG6503341.jpg" } ]
- Použitá vodotesná rip-stop textília táto bunda je štýlový doplnok radu TK2. S podšívkou a polstrovaným rukávmi poskytuje pohodlie a teplo rovnako ako ochranu. Medzi kľúčové funkcie patrí zbaliteľná kapucňa vrecká na zips manžety na suchý zips a prístup k tlači pre personalizáciu. Poskytuje skvelú ochranu pred vetrom a dažďom.
- Priedušný odev
- Kapucňa so sťahovacou šnúrkou a lemom
- Vhodné na potlač
- Protidžďová chlopňa vpredu
- Nastaviteľné manžety na suchý zips
- Flis podšívka
- 4 vrecká
- Plne zateplené a polstrované
- Nepremokavé s lepenými švami
- Skryté vrecko na mobilný telefón
- Zbaliteľná kapucňa
- Texpel Splash
56,90 € bez DPH
68,28 € vrátane. DPH
kus Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii
[ { "catentry_id" : "21153103", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_M":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"M" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"92.30" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG482416.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG482416.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG482416.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "21153104", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_L":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"L" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"92.30" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG482416.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG482416.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG482416.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "21153105", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"92.30" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG482416.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG482416.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG482416.jpg" }, { "catentry_id" : "21153106", "Attributes" : { "Veľkosť_XXL":"7" }, "AttributesLabels" :{ "7000000000001892293":"Veľkosť" }, "AttributesValues" : { "7000000000001892293":"XXL" }, "Price" : { "contractPrice":"92.30" }, "SalesUnit" : { "salesUnitVal":"1/PCE" }, "ItemImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG482416.jpg", "ItemImage467" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG482416.jpg", "ItemThumbnailImage" : "/img/S/GRP/IC/AIG482416.jpg" } ]
Chráňte sa pred vetrom a dažďom.
- 100% vodotesnosť. Veľmi mäkká a priedušná bunda. Veľmi pohodlná a ľahká.
- Vysokofrekvenčne zvárané švy.
92,30 € bez DPH
110,76 € vrátane. DPH
kus Tento produkt nie je momentálne k dispozícii
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